The Posters
All these artists are committed to creating work in their own fields. However, when the brief for the Youth Activism exhibition was put out, they all responded by dedicating their time to, and directing their talents towards, creating posters in order to participate in this project. Provocative, inspiring or funny, each of these posters is an act of resistance.


Greg Carter

Felix McCabe

Jordanne Gorley

Will Ruff

Deepti Mistry

Strike! Magazine

Joe Jackson



Who was it for?
Envision was set up by four young people in 2000 to challenge the stereotype of 'the youth' as apathetic about and disengaged with the issues going on around them.
They run 10-month long social action programmes to support 16-19 year olds from over 130 schools and colleges in Birmingham, Bristol and London. Envision programmes help young people to design their own local community projects tackling issues ranging from street crime to climate change. They seek to provide young people with the powerful and rewarding experience of making a positive difference. Their hope is that, inspired by this experience, the young people they work with will be both willing and able to continue acting as effective role models in their communities and build powerful legacies for future generations of young people.
In their work to nurture social consciousness Envision recognises the inherent potential that exists within young people to be active and positive forces for change. At a time when young people are castigated by the government and the media Envision provides young people with the skills to be able to stand up and speak up for their generation to the benefit of everyone.
Envision was set up by four young people in 2000 to challenge the stereotype of 'the youth' as apathetic about and disengaged with the issues going on around them.
They run 10-month long social action programmes to support 16-19 year olds from over 130 schools and colleges in Birmingham, Bristol and London. Envision programmes help young people to design their own local community projects tackling issues ranging from street crime to climate change. They seek to provide young people with the powerful and rewarding experience of making a positive difference. Their hope is that, inspired by this experience, the young people they work with will be both willing and able to continue acting as effective role models in their communities and build powerful legacies for future generations of young people.
In their work to nurture social consciousness Envision recognises the inherent potential that exists within young people to be active and positive forces for change. At a time when young people are castigated by the government and the media Envision provides young people with the skills to be able to stand up and speak up for their generation to the benefit of everyone.

AWL worked with Pretty Weird Laboratories (PWL) to create a set of postcard for purchase at the exhibition.